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Why Creative and hands on
math teaching 

Our mission is to ensure that math is accessible and equitable for all, and we are proud to have the support of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). NCTM shares our commitment to maintaining high expectations for every student and believes in the power of challenging tasks that foster critical thinking. 


Our method of hands on learning and creative learning is supported by research which indicates that participatory learning such as hands-on learning enhances math retention. In fact, student retention rates increases from 5% to 75% when teaching styles are shifted from lecture to learning by doing methods. 


When students engage in tangible activities and real-world problem-solving, they develop a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. Hands-on learning strengthens memory and recall, as physical manipulation and active experiences create stronger connections between abstract ideas and their practical applications. Increased engagement and motivation contribute to improved retention.


Our company is built upon the core belief that every student can excel in their learning journey through the implementation of hands-on and creative math approaches. We are dedicated to supporting teachers, administrators, and parents in effectively implementing strategies that cater to the diverse learning styles of each individual child in the classroom.

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